The Animal Crossing franchise is just shy of 20 years old and its fifth major title will be launch for the Nintendo Switch on March 6th!
But how many days until Animal Crossing: New Horizons releases?
Keep up to date with everything Animal Crossing by watching below!
How Many Days Until Animal Crossing New Horizons Releases?
The 20th February marks the one month period until the release of Animal Crossing: Hew Horizons - meaning that there are 11 days until launch.
The game will launch on the 20th March 2020 - you can stay up to date with the latest news on our live countdown blog.
Early Access
So how can you get onto the game as soon as possible?
If like many of us you can't WAIT to play the latest Animal Crossing game, check out the early access information right here.
Will Animal Crossing: New Horizons Release On Other Platforms?
Animal Crossing has always been a Nintendo console exclusive and has rarely wandered away from its home.
But that doesn't beg the question as to whether it will appear somewhere else!
Be sure to check out if your console will play host to this new game:
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Animal Crossing New Horizons