How To Stop People Stealing From You In Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons just got another big update, as version 1.3.0 adds the ability to go diving.

Unfortunately, the update has also unintentionally added new methods for cheeky villagers to pillage other players' islands. Here's how.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Update Adds New Stealing Concerns

Because the update allows players to head out into the sea, it means whatever structures put in place to keep players in a certain spot are essentially useless.

Players that allow strangers onto their island in search of good Turnip-selling prices for a fee, for example, will no doubt find villagers selling their Turnips regardless, having swum around to another area.

Another concern is that now, any item not in your inventory is ripe for looting, so you'll need to be careful about what you leave lying around!

Be sure to block off any areas of your island you don't want accessed and be sure to only invite players you know and trust to your island!

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