Shenmue the Animation Gets Release Date and New Trailer

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Shenmue, Sega and Ys Net's action-adventure series, is getting an anime adaptation next month. Produced by Adult Swim and Crunchyroll, this 13-episode series releases on February 5th, and we've just received a new trailer.

Directed by Chikara Sakurai of One Punch Man fame, this appears to be a direct adaptation of the original Dreamcast game. Attempting to "capture the same essence of mystery and thrilling martial arts," it'll tell the story of Ryo Hazuki, a high school boy and martial artist on searching to find his father's killer, Lan Di.

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Shenmue the Animation Finally Gets a Release Date and New Trailer

As for the cast, Ryo Hazuki's previous voice actor, Masaya Matsukaze, returns for the Japanese language version. In English , he's instead voiced by Austin Tindle. Lan Di's being voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese) and Scott Gibbs (English), Shenhua - Hazuki's close friend - is handled by Natalie Rial, while Cat Thomas voices Nozomi Harasaki.

It's unclear whether Shenmue II and Shenmue III will follow, and the series plotline across the games currently remains unresolved. Shenmue the Animation will stream across Adult Swim and Crunchyroll on February 5, 2022.

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