There are several differences between Apex Legends Mobile and the version available on PC and consoles. Arguably the biggest difference for the mobile version is the ability for players to use a third-person perspective. As expected, many are wondering how to change to third-person over the course of a match.
In comparison to a first-person perspective, a third-person view provides players with a better view of the surrounding area, allowing you to scope out any potential targets from afar and see whether any opposition has entered a nearby building.
Before we dive into how to change your view, be sure to check out our initial Apex Legends Mobile weapon tier list along with all of the rewards available to earn in Apex Legends Mobile Ranked matches.
How to Enter Third-Person Mode in Apex Legends Mobile
There's no need to change any in-game options in order to utilise a third-person perspective (TPP) in Apex Legends Mobile which is great news if you're already using the best graphics settings. To choose TPP, select the option in the bottom-left corner of the mode selection menu.
In addition, there's also a first-person perspective (FPP) for all modes offering a more familiar view of the battle royale on mobile devices. Selecting TPP before a match doesn't lock you into that view for the entire match. In the bottom left corner, there's a button that allows you to switch between the two perspectives.
Press the button in the bottom-left corner to switch back and forth between FPP and TPP, depending on your personal preferences.
What Is The Best Apex Legends Mobile View?
Ultimately, selecting between TPP and FPP comes down to personal preference. Fans of other battle royale titles are more familiar with the first-person view but there are plenty that like a third-person view of their surroundings.
We recommend trying both and seeing which one gives you more successful results during a match.
For more Apex Legends Mobile, check out our page for all the latest news and guides on Respawn's take on handheld battle royale action.
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