Respawn Apex Legends update through intended as a hotfix for several issues affecting the game’s performance.
This latest Apex Legends patch is separate from the big Apex Legends April Fools' update Respawn has in store for the beginning of April.
Among other things, the new Apex Legends update fixes crash problems tied to Explosive Holds, resolves the latest round of Apex Legends OUT OF STRING MEM errors, and makes some menu adjustments for the Switch version.
Respawn said the new Apex patch makes other small changes to the game’s stability.
However, the developer didn’t say what specific stability issues it addresses, so it’s likely nothing major such as Loba’s Bracelet or issues with duo squads.
Read more: Apex Legends April Fools' update
New Apex Legends Update Fixes Out of String Mem, Explosive Crates Crashes, More
Apex Legends’ OUT OF STRING MEM issue crops up frequently around updates.
While the exact reason varies depending on the player, one common explanation is changes to file names tied with the item in question, usually before or after updates are made to that item.
Other times, it’s just a file glitch in general.
Some fans speculated Respawn was removing Apex Legends’ Explosive Holds earlier in March, though this most recent Apex update proves that was merely idle speculation.
Respawn is fixing Explosive Holds, not removing them.
The fix for Switch version menus is admittedly minor and won’t do much to improve the game’s performance on Nintendo’s hybrid console.
However, if you’re looking to get the best possible performance on Apex Legends for Switch, we’ve got you covered.
Read more: Apex Legends Chinatown Market leaks
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