Although season 14 of Apex Legends is well underway, the attention of some players is already turning to the launch of Apex Legends season 15. The next season of post-launch content is expected to feature a brand-new Legend in addition to a new battle royale map.
The most recent season saw the arrival of Vantage in addition to numerous map changes and balancing that changes the best Apex Legends weapons to use.
So far, there's minimal information on what season 15 has in store but thanks to previous seasons, we can make some educated guesses. With that said, find all there is to know about Apex Legends season 15 in this hub.
When does Apex Legends season 14 start?
Apex Legends season 15 begins on November 1, 2022.
Apex Legends season 15 name
According to notable gaming leaker Tom Henderson, season 15 of Apex will be known as Eclipse.
Apex Legends season 15 leaks
Thanks to leaks from various data miners, Season 15 is likely to include the arrival of a brand-new legend. Known as Catalyst, little is known about the new character and as with all leaks, take them with a pinch of salt until Respawn shares more information.
In the meantime, check out some early gameplay in the video below.
In addition to a new legend, will include a brand-new map for battle royale modes. According to code found within the files of the game, Divided Moon is currently in development with many suggesting the map will appear at the start of the new season.
Eagle-eyed fans have noticed the map contains a new transportation system. Players can use cable cars hanging above the action to reach various areas of the map.
Apex Legends season 15 new map
Several months ago, a screenshot of a new map set on the moon appeared much to the excitement of players. With the name of season 15 being "Eclipse," the setting of the map is hardly surprising.
As with most maps, expect plenty of points of interest to explore along with a brand-new layout that will take plenty of time to master.
Apex Legends season 15 map changes
Although there's no intel on any map changes arriving in Season 15, there's every chance Respawn Entertainment makes some adjustments to the existing map pool in order to improve the experience for players.
Apex Legends season 15 weapons
So far, there are no clues regarding any new weapons making their way to the Apex arsenal. However, we can expect another dose of weapon balancing to arrive.
Be sure to check back nearer the time for all the latest buffs and nerfs coming in Season 15.
That's all there is to know about the Apex Legends Season 15 update. For more, check out our Apex Legends page for all the latest news, leaks, and guides.
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