Battlefield 2042: How To Find EA ID

In Battlefield 2042, players can identify themselves and each other through their unique EA ID. However, if you don't know where to look, finding that can prove to be a slight chore.

As long as these IDs are legible, others can type your name away to locate you in Battlefield 2042.

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Where To Find EA ID

Finding any player's EA ID is a simple feat, and here's some of the areas you can look for the EA ID in Battlefield 2042:

  • On the Player Card located at the bottom right
  • Go to the Hard Zone or All-Out War mode, the EA ID will be found on the right.
  • In the Social Menus where players make parties, the EA ID will also be on the right.
  • In the chat box when players talk in the game.
  • On the right side, when the in match minimap is shown.
  • During deployment, check your squad's line up.

During and outside gameplay, players can see their EA IDs alot if they need to check.

When to Use EA ID

At times, players will invite friends and even find new ones while playing Battlefield 2042. To play with them, players need their EA IDs to give others for adding friends in socials. Make sure to remember your own EA ID and ask other player's own IDs to make these connections.

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