The beloved Bioshock franchise received its last entry in 2013, with the remastered trilogy hitting last generation consoles several years later.
Since Infinite's release, fans have been anticipating another episode in the series. 9 years later, it seems like we've received a potential launch window for the next game.
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Bioshock 4 Rumoured To Release In 2022
The Nvidia GeForce Now service leak sent the internet into a frenzy yesterday, naming a vast array of unannounced, high-profile games. One of which, included a fourth Bioshock instalment with the episode potentially aiming for a 2022 launch.
Bioshock 4 was already confirmed to be in development at Cloud Chamber, with the game being developed in Unreal Engine 5 and potentially open-world. Given how quiet 2K has been since this light confirmation, it's somewhat surprising to hear the next game potentially aims to launch next year.
However, Nvidia themselves responded to the recent spillage and states that the list of leaked games includes "speculative titles". Given this update, Bioshock 4 may not even launch next year. In the meantime, should this release news remains a rumour however, we will update you on any developments.
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