The first season of Black Ops Cold War has been underway for almost a month now.
The game has been having great success since it released back in November.
Die Maschine has been praised as one of the best zombies maps in quite some time.
Now, with the future of zombies up in the air, as players patiently wait for a brand new map; there is something new for you to pass the time.
Treyarch has now implemented a brand new melee weapon in the form of the Sledgehammer.
This weapon has a devastating final form in zombies and has been compared to Thor's Hammer.
Here's how to unlock it!
Thor's Hammer is perhaps one of the most well-known pieces of Norse mythology,
Making appearances in multiple Marvel Cinematic movies, along with the recent Assassin's Creed Valhalla; it appears Black Ops Cold War has a variant of it now.
TheGamingRevolution was among the first to discover the sheer power of this weapon in zombies in their brand new video.
If you Pack-A-Punch the Sledgehammer melee weapon three times, as well as equipping it with the Dead Wire weapon modification. It will essentially become an iteration of Thor's Hammer.
Striking down zombies and seeing them take massive amounts of damage, alone with the electric side effects is one of the best aspects of zombies right now.
Check out TGR's video below!
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War