Black Ops 2 Maps We Want Remastered In Black Ops Cold War

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The trend of classic maps re-appearing in more recent Call of Duty titles is a good compromise between suiting players that want to take a stroll down memory lane and those that want some form of new content within the game.

For Black Ops Cold War, classic maps are coming back thick and fast. At the start of Season One, iconic Black Ops 2 map Raid made its long-awaited return to the franchise, much to the delight of fans.

Alongside Raid, Black Ops 2 map Express has been confirmed as the next classic map to appear on Black Ops Cold War.

With so many iconic maps from Black Ops 2 making their return on Black Ops Cold War, we’ve selected five maps that deserve to be added into the map pool in future seasons.

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Standoff Black Ops Cold War
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Selecting Standoff to return in Black Ops Cold War is a no-brainer. Widely regarded as one of the best maps in the history of Call of Duty, Standoff would be an incredible addition to the map pool.

Containing areas of the map where every single weapon is a viable option, Standoff has been a fan-favourite since it debuted on Black Ops 2. The map has been remade for Black Ops 3 and COD Mobile, so the potential of it returning on Black Ops Cold War is certainly high.


Cargo Black Ops Cold War
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Set in a Singapore shipping port, Cargo is a map that is often overlooked when it comes to looking at the best Call of Duty maps.

Featuring an open central area overlooked by multiple sightlines alongside several areas where close-quarters engagements are guaranteed, Cargo often saw players using a mixture of running and gunning and patient play with a sniper rifle in order to catch anyone attempting to navigate through the middle of the map off guard.

Cargo did feature as part of the Blackout map but has never been introduced as a separate multiplayer map on any title other than Black Ops 2. It’s about time that we saw Cargo make its return.


Yemen Black Ops Cold War
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Another criminally underrated map from Black Ops 2 is Yemen. The medium-sized map features three distinct lanes along with several hiding places and choke points that play host to plenty of fast and furious action.

With several pathways to navigate the map, it’s very easy to avoid being caught in an unbreakable spawn trap, making it one of the most balanced maps in the Black Ops 2 map pool.

The likes of Raid and Standoff often steal the spotlight when it comes to fantastic maps, but Yemen is certainly up there as one of the maps we would love to see return on Black Ops Cold War.

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Slums Black Ops Cold War
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Although this particular map has featured in other Black Ops titles other than Black Ops 2, it’s very easy to see why Slums is an immensely popular map.

Containing a variety of short, compact pathways that lead towards the central courtyard, Slums often sees players sprinting around the map in order to secure control of the area.

The map lends itself to players locking in spawn traps, but with some well-placed smoke grenades, it is possible to swing the momentum of the match in your favour.

It’s not just the casual player base that would love to see Slums in Black Ops Cold War. Slums was an incredible map for competitive matches to take place and if it did appear, it would easily join Raid and other maps in the competitive map pool.


Meltdown Black Ops Cold War
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The final Black Ops 2 map that we would love to see appear in Black Ops Cold War is Meltdown.

This map epitomises three-lane map design, featuring a clear path through the central area of the map, along with a dark circular area on the north side of the map, and a more open lane on the south side.

With so many distinct areas of the map, a variety of weaponry can be used to deal maximum damage at every opportunity.

For competitive fans, Meltdown played host to one of the most memorable moments in the history of Call of Duty esports. Three-time world champion Damon “Karma” Barlow had nerves of steel, pulling off an incredible ninja defuse in the darkness to give his team the round victory.

There’s our list! Which Black Ops 2 maps would you love to see return on Black Ops Cold War? Let us know on Twitter!

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