Despite the launch of Season 3, many players have written off Vanguard as attention begins to turn towards the launch of Modern Warfare 2. Sledgehammer Games' latest offering misses the mark thanks to its setting and various issues impacting players.
Although the latest season of post-launch content introduces new guns and Hernandez as the latest playable Operator, members of the community continue to critique its aesthetics.
While Sledgehammer Games continues to improve Vanguard, the community has had enough claiming that the game is not worth playing anymore despite being halfway into its cycle.
Vanguard Isn't Worth Playing Anymore
As some members of the community continue to jump into multiplayer, Reddit user 'UsernameTaken0067' has decided to call it quits on his Vanguard experience. In a lengthy post, the user cites a number of reasons why the game isn't proving popular.
The user says "there is very little to gain or grind for" other than the Mastery camouflages and Mastery Operator skins. "It's all a waste of time because there's no relief or feeling of accomplishment," continues the disgruntled player.
Other players shared their thoughts and opinions on the struggles of Vanguard. "SBMM (Skill-based matchmaking) is what kills it for me," says another user.
It's not just the players that seem unhappy with Vanguard. Call of Duty publisher Activision says its decline in sales is due to the World War 2 setting resulting in the franchise's player count dropping by 50m over the last 12 months.
With the reveal of Modern Warfare 2 on the horizon, many are hoping for a return to form with Infinity Ward back in charge. With expectations high, can the developer deliver on a strong showing to avoid a second consecutive year of disappointment?
For more Vanguard news, check out our page for the latest intel, leaks, and loadout guides.
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