Call of Duty Warzone Shotgun Tier List for March 2024 - Ranked From Best To Worst

Call of Duty Warzone Shotgun Tier List

Call of Duty Warzone Shotgun Tier List

The original Warzone has been depreciated in favour of Warzone 2. For the best Shotgun guide in the current Warzone, click here.

Throughout the short history of Warzone, the popularity of shotguns has peaked and troughed thanks to Raven Software's regular updates ensuring weapon balance remains stable. Only effective in close-range scenarios, selecting the best shotgun can prove problematic with many of them possessing a range of characteristics to suit all styles of play.

With Season 2 of Warzone Pacific, there are a few shotguns that are still hanging onto the evolving meta but there are many that continue to be overlooked to a lack of performance when it matters the most. With that said, find out which is the best Warzone shotgun to use in our ultimate tier list.

Warzone Shotgun Tier List
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What Is The Best Warzone Shotgun?

Despite regular doses of weapon tuning from Raven Software, the Gallo SA12 from Black Ops Cold War continues to be the best shotgun to use in the battle royale. The semi-automatic firing mechanism combined with a lethal damage output allows players to dominate close-quarters combat with ease.

Warzone Shotgun Tier List

With 14 shotguns to choose from, there are a few that still hold their own against submachine guns in close-range situations but before we get into the thick of it, this is rating all of Warzone's shotguns rather than unveiling what the very best Warzone weapons are.

S-Tier - Warzone Shotgun Tier List


Lockwood 680

The Lockwood 680 proves to be an exceptionally effective weapon for indoor gunfights. With its high damage output and the capability to hold corners and tight hallways, it serves as the ideal deterrent against enemy squads who opt to push your position aggressively.

A-Tier - Call of Duty Warzone Shotgun Tier List

A Tier


The Haymaker, a semi-automatic shotgun featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, may appear potent when paired with the Juggernaut Recon killstreak. However, some consider it to be a downgrade compared to the Lockwood 680 and certain offerings from Modern Warfare 2.

B Tier - Call of Duty Warzone Shotgun Tier List

B Tier


The Riveter is a newly introduced weapon in Warzone and Modern Warfare 3. While it may resemble an assault rifle at first glance, it is actually a shotgun with an AR receiver attached.

Model 680 Warzone Shotgun Tier List
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Despite possessing immense power, these are the worst shotguns to use in Warzone. We recommend staying well away from this particular selection and looking for something much more versatile.

There you have it, that's the definitive shotgun tier list for Warzone. For more intel, check out our SMG tier list as well as our hub for Season 1 of Warzone Pacific.

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