Call of Duty Mobile has been going for a few years now and, in that time, it has managed to put out tonnes of new maps, modes and guns. If you're looking forward to the Call of Duty Mobile season 6 release date, this is what you should know.
As you might expect, there's a brand new weapon, the return of a fan favourite map and so much more. Needless to say, it's a pretty exciting season.
If you're playing the game right now, here is the best Call of Duty Mobile Fennec loadout.
COD Mobile Season 6 2022 Release Date
Call of Duty Mobile Season 6 will finally go live June 29, just a few days from now. After weeks of anticipation, it is finally almost here. Call of Duty Mobile Season 5 went live at the start of June, adding a new grenade, multiplayer map and so much more. It seems this was just setting the groundwork for the game to get so much bigger.
As is the case with all Call of Duty Mobile seasons, it will go live at the following times:
- 1 am BST
- 5 pm PT
- 7 pm CT
- 8 pm ET
COD Mobile Season 6 Maps
Call of Duty Mobile seaosn 6 is adding the Favela map to multiplayer. This fan favourite is returning from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It seems likely this is tying into all the reveals around the new reboot of Modern Warfare 2 due to launch later this year.
We don't yet know how long this map will stay around for but you should try and play it as soon as possible, to give it a go for yourself.
COD Mobile Season 6 Guns and Weapons
Two brand new guns are being added to Call of Duty Mobile this season. They are:
- KSP 45
- L-CAR 9
The KSP 45 is a brand new submachine gun, designed to be fired fast into groups of enemies or up close and personal. Though you may struggle at range, use this indoors to take down enemies in seconds.
The L-CAR 9 is a small fast firing sidearm. Much like the KSP 45, it is designed to be used in close-quarters combat. If you have run out of bullets in your main weapon or need to reload, swapping to this and spraying is a more reliable choice. Though it often won't best your primary weapon, it's a really solid choice.
Call of Duty Mobile Jackal
As well as everything else, Call of Duty Mobile season 6 is adding the JACKAL. This monstrous jet can be used to get around the battle royale map with ease, taking down enemies from afar. With the addition of anti-air guns, it can be a little risky but it's worth the risk to get a good view from all the way up there.
It seems likely that this is just the start of where the Call of Duty Mobile battle royale mode will go in the future.
If you want to know all about the previous Call of Duty Mobile season, this is what you need to know.
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