Crysis Remastered: What Is CryEngine And Could It Create The Best Crysis Yet?

Crysis is making its way back to our screens with a remaster.

We are really excited and think there's potential in this remake.

There's tonnes to anticipate, such as what will the graphics be like, how smooth will the game run?

Crytek has its very own game engine software, CryEngine.

What Is CryEngine?

CryEngine is a game engine created by the German games company Crytek, the developers of Crysis.

It's been used in all of their games released so far, with the first being Far Cry.

They continue to update it constantly to keep up with new software and ever-changing hardware.

Crysis Remastered will also be developed using CryEngine.

Below showcases what Crysis Remastered should look like in the CryEngine.

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