Announcing the Elite Series CS:GO Broadcast Line-up

Announcing the Elite Series CS:GO Broadcast Line-up

From July 8th, 2017, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive returns to the Gfinity Esports Arena, as exceL eSportsReason GamingProphecyTeam InfusedTeam EndpointMethodTeam EnVyUs and Epsilon eSports collide in the inaugural season of the Elite Series.

As Europe’s leading esports prospects perfect their teamwork, movement and aim, we have recruited some of the community’s most knowledgeable and opinionated talent to guide through the nine-week season. Tickets are available for purchase!

The man himself, Duncan ‘Thorin’ Shields, is set to return to his original stomping ground, the Gfinity Esports Arena, however, the Gfinity Angel will not be accompanied by his initial team, as he joins forces with the familiar faces of Jack ‘JackyCSGO’ Peters, James ‘BanKs’ Banks and Karam ‘KYAN1TE’ Kabbara.

We’re also delighted to welcome Alex ‘Snodz’ Byfield, Ben ‘Esio’ Doughty, Tom ‘Tombizz’ Bissmire and Sonny ‘Herold’ Neal to their first official Gfinity event, as they complete our all-star CS:GO broadcast line-up. For now...

In summary, the Gfinity Elite Series CS:GO broadcast line-up is as follows:

Keep up to date with all the latest gaming and eSports news via our Twitter: @Gfinity.

More information on the event itself, as well as each of the different ticket options, is available here.

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