Counter Strike: Global Offensive Spring Masters II Teams Announced

The CS:GO Spring Masters are primed to go out with a bang.

The Gfinity Counter Strike: Global Offensive Spring Masters II is fast approaching, as the best squads in the world prepare to show off their teamwork and skill with aspirations of securing a slice of the $50,000 prize pool. The battle to lift the second Spring Masters trophy begins May 15th, running throughout the entire weekend at the Gfinity Arena at the Vue Fulham Broadway. Tickets are available for purchase now!

We're more than excited to bring you confirmation of the full list of 10 teams descending upon London!



Team EnVy | Happy - shox - NBK - SmithZz - kioShiMa 

Titan | KennyS - apEX - Maniac - RpK - Ex6TenZ | TaZ - Neo - pasha - Snax - byali

FNATIC | flusha - JW - pronax - olofmeister - KRiMZ

Na'Vi | Zeus - Edward - seized - flamie - GuardiaN

Ninjas in Pyjamas | f0rest - GeT_RiGhT - friberg - allu - Xizt

United States 

Cloud9 | Shroud - N0thing - Sgares - fREAKAZOiD - Skadoodle 

Team Liquid | adreN - Daps - FugLy - EliGe - nitr0


Vox Eminor | SPUNJ - AZR - Havoc - jks - Yam 

Immunity | SnypeR - Rickeh - James - emagine - USTILO  

The prize pool will be split between the four top placing teams, with the allocation broken down as follows:










More details on scheduling and tournament layout will be released very soon.

More information and tickets for the CS:GO Gfinity Spring Masters II are 

available here now



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