CS:GO Cups move to the Challenger Series

CS:GO cups move to the Challenger Series

For those of you that you play CS:GO, or at least have done so in the past, we’ve got some awesome news to share with you.


From 27th March, our dynamic new professional competition, the

Gfinity Challenger Series

, begins and luckily for you, CS:GO is one of the three

featured games



What does this mean?


Well, you’re in for a treat!


As part of the Gfinity Challenger Series, you’ll see more regularity and higher capacity in the number of CS:GO cups that we host, alongside an entirely new tier based skill system and larger prize pool breakdowns.

In addition to this, the Challenger series will provide a platform for upcoming talent to showcase their skill and get scouted by pro teams in the

Gfinity Elite Series


Don't worry though, if you simply enjoy our CS:GO cups, you'll be happy to hear that the Challenger Series will host them from now on. Our

CS:GO client

remains in use for the Challenger Series.

So, we call upon you and your team to sign up to the Challenger Series, and join your new home of the competitive CS:GO community.

To register, simply log in with your existing Gfinity account and off you go!

We hope to see you soon.

Stop Dreaming. Start playing.

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