The most recent patch notes for CSGO are live!
Here are the changes.
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- Fixed a rare case where coach camera could remain in free roaming mode.
- Fixed net_dumpeventstats command to be cheat-protected.
- Improved performance
- New radar
- Raised the bottom of the water for better readability of players behind boats
- Fixed invisible water splashes
- Ambience sounds is quieter
- To make mid more attractive and balanced we have added a new path from mid up to heaven
- Heaven has now some more space towards the new path for better angles
- Closed gaps in wood fence at A-long (T side)
- Closed a sightline from CT-spawn to A-long
- Improved performance in all areas of the map
- Tweaked and improved clipping
- Adjusted environment lighting to give a better visual contrast
- Removed foliage on A Site wall
- Added multiple bomb reset triggers around A Site, B Site and Dock
- Extended Dock and Moved T Spawn back slightly to give CTs more setup time
- Adjusted cover around the map
- Tweaked wall at A Site for cleaner angles and made it easier to jump onto
- Made wallbangs through the door on B Site do less damage
- Lowered part of the wall on A Site
- Modified rock formation at upper T to A into a brick wall to improve visibility and grenade potential
- Fixed various lighting and texturing issues
- Subtle visual enhancements
- Fixed door stuck bug
- Fixed molotov exploit at Dark Spot Mid
- Updated .nav mesh
- Restored functionality to soundscapes
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