Virtus Pro Receives $100m Investment

Russian business USM Holdings has announced that it will be making an investment in excess of $100m in Virtus Pro.

USM Holdings, founded by 62-year-old Alisher Usmanov, is an investor in a wide range of companies which include everything from mining to telecoms.With the rapid growth of eSports, USM are looking to add to its massive portfolio of businesses, by making a huge $100m+ investment into one of the best teams in CS:GO, Virtus.Pro

According to Anton Cherepennikov, co-owner of VP, the investment will be utilised by Virtus.Pro to run tournaments, support new eSports titles, create media channels and build new eSports arenas.

USM board member Ivan Streshinisky said:

"E-sports are a unique proposition, uniting the sports, media and the internet industries," says Ivan Streshinsky, a member of USM Holdings' board.

"It is a fast-growing market, which has already generated huge interest around the world and is the leader in the e-sports industry in Russia.

"I am confident that the support from USM will spur the company’s further development and enable it to take its projects to a whole new level.

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