Cyberpunk 2077 1.12 Hotfix Patch Notes

Out of nowhere, Cyberpunk has dropped a new update - patch 1.12.

Hotfix 1.12 is available on PC, not long after 1.11 arrived.

This new hotfix aims to fix a few more prominent issues within the game; which is most likely being caused by the recent 1.10 update.

Since patch 1.1 arrived, also known as the January update, CD Projekt Red has been releasing a few hotfixes to sort out some glaring issues.

So what's new in 1.11? Here are the patch notes.

Cyberpunk 2077 1.12 Patch Notes

This update addresses the vulnerability that could be used as part of remote code execution (including save files):

  • Fixed a buffer overrun issue
  • Removed/replaced non-ASLR DLLs.

Unfortunately, it's not an exciting update, but that's usually the case with small hotfixes.

The next big update is 1.2 - arriving sometime in February.

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