Iconic director Hideo Kojima might have something up on his sleeves once again. Following the launch of Death Stranding: Director's Cut, we're getting an idea of his future plans and this time, it looks like he's bringing back actor Norman Reedus, potentially for Death Stranding 2.
As seen on Kojima's latest Twitter post (thanks PSU), a photo was uploaded showing some blurred people, one of whom is wearing white and a pair of black boots. That's speculated by some to be Norman Reedus, based on the looks.
Read More: Norman Reedus Sparks Silent Hill Speculation With Instagram Photo
Hideo Kojima’s Teasing a New Project With Norman Reedus
The Walking Dead actor has previously spilled months ago that a rumoured sequel for Death Stranding could be in the works. Vitoria Pratini of AdoroCinema reported that Reedus mentioned:
"I think we’re doing a second Death Stranding. (The game) is in negotiations right now. So, yay!"
As for Kojima Productions, they recently announced a new division that'll focus on other entertainment forms, such as music, film, and TV. It'll be headed by Riley Russell, the former PlayStation vice president of business affairs. Make sure to follow us for more gaming news and updates as it happens.
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