Destiny 2 Bird Of Prey Quest: How To Start It And Get The Radiant Accipiter

A new questline has opened up for Destiny 2 players who have completed the Let Loose Thy Talons quests!

With the Hawkmoon in hand, it’s time for the Guardians to head back to Crow and begin the Bird of Prey quest.

Here’s our guide on how to start it and get the Radiant Accipiter. 

In a few weeks time that is….

How To Start The Bird of Prey Quest

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Let loose the Hawkmoon! (Image: Bungie)

To start the Bird of Prey exotic Quest you must go and speak to Crow.

Currently, he’s still in Spider’s Lair despite the most recent quest’s endings but perhaps he’ll move to the tower in the near future.

Regardless go and speak to him and you should see a new quest called Bird of Prey.

The first step will require you to complete the Harbinger activity in the EDZ.

So head there right away!

Once you’ve completed the activity the next step will be  to replay the activity. Every Week. Yeah, it’s one of those….

Read More: Destiny 2: Bungie Confirms Loot And Token Changes Following Fan Feedback

So, for now, there’s no way to tell what the last step could be except that we’ll have to keep coming back and playing this activity a few more times!

As leaks come out or when enough time has passed we’ll be sure to update you on what you’ll have to do for the Bird of Prey quest.

Until then have fun out there Guardian!

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