Destiny 2 Last Wish Strength of Memory Challenge Guide

Destiny 2 is full of content for you to enjoy, the most difficult of which are its high-level Raids.

These challenging post-game missions have you and five other Guardians take on challenging foes and puzzles.

Though if you don’t think they are hard enough, why don’t you try completing the Last Wish Raid’s Strength of Memory challenge?

If you need a hand, here’s our guide!

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Before You Begin

To complete any Raid challenge you’ll need to be deeply familiar with the entire run.

And not just you but your whole Fireteam.

This challenge isn’t something you want to just throw in on your first try, raids are difficult enough already!

Before attempting the Strength of Memory challenge, make sure you’ve beaten the Last Wish Raid a couple of times and are confident you can do it again.

When that’s out of the way, it’s time to get into the challenge itself.

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The Strength of Memory Challenge

To complete this challenge you’ll want to only shoot each Riven Eye once!

If you shoot one twice, you’ll fail the challenge.

This will add an extra communication barrier to an already complex Raid, so try to pre-decide who is allowed to shoot what eye!

Though this could have some luck involved, so you might want to try the cheese method.

All group up in the first room, have a Warlock pop a Well of Radiance, and rinse through with a Sword like the Falling Guillotine!

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