Henry Cavill Snuck Something From the Books Into the Witcher Show

Actors find it difficult to add scenes or unwritten dialogue to their work, as Henry Cavill learned while filming The Witcher. Kevin Smith's "no adlibbing" rule or Bruce Willis repeating a line in Cop Out so it would make it to the scene, actors are sometimes limited to their own creativity. Cavill, a Witcher fan before he became an actor, was determined to incorporate pieces of the book into the show.

He was so familiar with The Witcher Books, written by Andrzej Sapkowski, that he could recall a line that had not been scripted.

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The Witcher Facts

Geralt passes out on Sodden Hill at the beginning of Blood of Elves. In a vision, he talks to Death, and then words are uttered about crossing the meadow and the fog. Cavill described his experience in a Polish interview conducted by Marcin Zweirzchowski (translated by Redanian intelligence):

"There was no such scene in the series, and these words captivated me with their poetry, they were so wonderfully 'Sapkowski' that I wanted them to be spoken by my Geralt. However, I did not feel like having long discussion about whether I could add this bit somewhere. So I just did it, said the words in front of the camera, and was ready to face the consequences. Eventually, this issue hit the mark in Season 2."

Cavill is so faithful to the main storyline, and it's one of the few times an actor got away with it. How would Harry Potter movies have turned out if they were too loosely based on the books?

How do you feel about this? Does Cavill's dedication impress you, or is it a bit too much?

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