Thor: Love and Thunder is reuniting Chris Hemsworth with Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, with their last onscreen pairing dating back to 2013's The Dark World. The sequel will follow a beloved arc in the Mighty Thor's comic run, with Foster set to wield the Mjölnir.
Accompanying the duo's homecoming is a pair of snazzy new costumes, which you can see through leaked artwork from the forthcoming Marvel picture.
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Thor: Love And Thunder Leak Reveals Hemsworth And Portman's Costumes
The leak comes to us from the Brazilian Marvel fan page, Multiverso Marvel Brasil, with the concept art expressing a unique look for the striking couple.
You can check out the new looks here.
Jane's worthy enough to pick up the trusty hammer, with the costume boasting a vintage juxtaposition between her metallic suit and a blood-red cape. Foster's suit is more reminiscent of the God of Thunder's suit in 2011's picture.
As for Odin's Son, the Avenger has a more bright attire compared to the character's previous iterations. The blue-and-gold colour palette stands out among the red cape, all the while grasping the Groot-manufactured Stormbreaker.
We also caught a glimpse of Valkyrie's new suit in the sequel, with Tessa Thompson set to reprise her role.
Taika Waititi is coming off his Oscar win for Jojo Rabbit, with the filmmaker returning to the director's chair. He's bringing a stacked cast of MCU favourites into Thor's fourth solo outing, along with veteran actors including Russell Crowe and Christian Bale.
What do you think of the duo's costumes? Let us know in the comments.
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