A former Street Fighter V champion of the Gfinity Elite Series is making a return this season. Confz, who won the SFV season 2 with Team Envy will be making his debut with the newest pro team to join the Elite Series: ASUS ROG Army, from Spain.
We spent a day with this talented player in London, where he lives, and asked him the 12 questions you would never have the courage to ask...
1. What is your name and were did you come from?
CONFZ came from when I was younger and called 'Conflict'. Packz (also a pro SFV player) used to shorten that and call me 'Conf' and when I went into music I thought "lemme change that common alias to 'Confz".
2. How did you choose your gamertag?
My gamertag is my name.
3. How old were you when you started playing videogames? which console or PC?
I was probably around 4 or 5 and it was a Sega Megadrive.
4. When did you realize you wanted to go pro?
When I first travelled to France and I was playing casuals with top level players and I was beating some and doing really well against others. That made me think to myself 'I can do this'
5. How do you feel being drafted by a pro team? Is this your first time?
It's not my first time and it feels good to be wanted
6. What do you think about your new team?
I'm excited, I feel we are the dark horses but have a lot of high level players.
7. How are you getting along with your new teammates?
Very well we all know each other and we have good chemistry.
8. Is this your first Elite Series?
No. (Confz won the Elite Series on season 2 with Team Envy)
9. What are you looking forward to the Elite Series season 4?
The play offs as usual... separating the weak from the strong.
10. What is your strategy to win?
Maintain composure, assert your will and play reactionary
11. Which teams or players you think will pose a threat to you and your team?
Nordavind, Excel Hurricane and Phenom
12. What will you do with the prize in case you win the series?
Save for a house...
Confz is back in action this Saturday, when ASUS ROG Army takes on Hashtag United in week 1 of the Gfinity Elite Series Delivered by Domino's: SFV!
You can catch the action online on Facebook or get FREE tickets to watch it LIVE from the Gfinity Arena below.
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