Now it’s time to destroy our best friends form the last challenge, the motorboats! Fortnite Season 5 Week 6 gives and takes away!
The tools we used to destroy fishing spots now must go the same way and be turned to dust.
You’ll need to destroy three motorboats for this next step, and our guide is here to tell you how to do that!
Let’s get into it.
Where To Find Motorboats
Last time we told you where to find one motorboat, now let’s try to find a few more.
Craggy Cliffs offers two on its beach.
And if you’re looking to get a third in the same match, you can find one on an island to the West.
Either swim out here or take one of the other two motorboats before you destroy them!
How To Destroy Motorboats
You can destroy Motorboats using any weapon, even your pickaxe.
Though we’d recommend something like a rifle or an SMG.
Your harvesting tool will knock the boat around considerably and is fairly slow, but beats doing nothing if you are weaponless.
Just deal 800 damage to the vehicle as quickly as you can and you should destroy it!
When all three have been destroyed, it’s time for the next challenge: Blow up Fishing Holes at Lazy Lake Island, Lake Canoe, and near Steamy Stacks.
Check out our guide on to get that done as quickly as possible and good luck earning your XP!
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