Introducing cross-platform Rocket League cups for Xbox One/PC

Introducing cross-platform Rocket League cups for Xbox One/PC

Today, we’re delighted to announce that all current Xbox One Rocket League cups on will now feature cross-platform functionality with PC.

The decision to update our Xbox One cup reflects the feedback we’ve received from you, the community, and echoes Psyonix vision to create a truly unified multiplayer network.

The update will not affect our current Xbox One/PC Rocket League schedule, which can be found below.


  • Monday - £60 Prize Pool
  • Thursday - £150 Prize Pool

North America:

  • Monday - £100 Prize Pool
  • Wednesday - £100 Prize Pool
  • Friday - £100 Prize Pool

Keep up to date with all the latest gaming and eSports news via our Twitter: @Gfinity.

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