After a brilliant weekend showcasing eight amazing players, Legendaren has claimed his first trophy in his Hearthstone career at the Gfinity Hearthstone Summer Masters I!
Utilizing a variety of combo decks, Legendaren swept Tom60229 3-0 in the first semi-final, while Unskiller was able to hold off Fade 2 Karma's Hawkeye with a 3-1 victory, setting up what promised to be a high-octane final.
With a best of seven final, it threatened to be a long match for the two players, but Legendaren was able to keep up his high-offense strategy he employed against Tom60229 and claim a 4-1 victory, but it was not an easy route, with Unskiller making him work for each win in their bout.
Legendaren takes home the grand prize of $5,000 and joins Firebat in the list of champions of the Gfinity Arena!
Follow us on Twitter to find out when Hearthstone descends into the arena once again or how you can follow in Legendaren's footsteps to take part and win.
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