PS5: How to Create a US, Japanese and EU PlayStation Account

So if you want to add a US, Japanese, EU or any other account to your system, here is everything we know!

And once you’ve finished here, remember to check out our other guides for your PS5 woes.

How to Create a PS5 Account in Another Region

Creating a PS5 Account in a foreign region is exactly like creating one normally.

The only change is you will probably have to give a different address to your real one.

That is unless you own multiple residences across the globe.

With that said, here’s what you have to do!

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First head over to the account creation screen, or head over to Sony’s website and create an account there.

Then input an email and password, they’ll have to be choices that are not already used on another account.

When asked to include your information, use a different but real location from the region you are pretending to be from.

Then include your Postcode, City, and State or Province (which will again have to match that real location from the country the account is for.

With that, finish off creating the account by coming up with a Username, choose your Privacy and Settings options, then sign into your PS5 with the account!

We hope this helps, and check out our other guides for more guidance if you need it!

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