Riot Games acquire Radiant Entertainment

Riot Games, the studio behind the iconic MOBA, League of Legends, has announced their official acquisition of Radiant Entertainment.

The indie studio responsible for the creation of the free-to-play robotic fighting game, Rising Thunder, and city builder survival simulator Stonehearth, has officially joined Riot Games in a deal which will see them “continue their mission of building incredible games that speak to us personally as players”.

Unfortunately, as a result of the partnership, Tom and Tony Cannon, founders of Radiant Entertainment and the Evolution Championship Series (EVO), also announced the permanent closure of Rising Thunder, as the studio begins work on a new and unknown title. The alpha is schedule to conclude on the 18th March.

However, Radiant’s second game, Stonehearth, will continue “full speed ahead”, with the aim to deliver the game as soon as it’s ready.

While there has been no official confirmation around the intention of Riot’s acquisition and whether it’s related to Radiant Entertainment’s ‘new’ project, one can only assume that Riot is planning to expand their repertoire past League of Legends. 

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