Exoprimal exosuit tier list - Best exosuit to use

We rank the suits in Exoprimal in our Exosuit tier list
Credit: Capcom - Exoprimal

We rank the suits in Exoprimal in our Exosuit tier list
Credit: Capcom - Exoprimal

Capcom has released a brand new IP that is far removed from the likes of Street Fighter and their other big franchises. In their newest release, Exoprimal, players don highly-advanced tech armour and battle to survive against hordes of dinosaurs. In this article, you will find our Exoprimal Exosuit Tier List, ranking the best suit options in the game against the less desirable.

Exoprimal is a team-based online game that pits players with five other comrades as they battle against waves of different iconic monsters from Earth's prehistory. In the title's wargames, you will also be competing against a rival team to complete the objectives first. Using an array of different suits, each with their own perks and abilities, players must work together to come out on top.

Exoprimal is a game with solo play capabilities, but as an online team survival game it is also one that can be played with friends. It is available to play on PlayStation and Xbox, as well as PC, so be sure to get in the know about what your system will require to run the game. Here is how the suits compare in Exoprimal in our Exosuit tier list.

The best Exosuits in Exoprimal

Exoprimal exosuit tier list







While Exoprimal's suit options are fairly sound across the board, there are three in particular that stand out as being the best at performing the duties they're designed for.

three of the different exosuits in exoprimal
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Credit: Capcom
These are the best Exosuits that players can use in Exoprimal

The Barrage Exosuit is an assault suit that dispatches dinosaur and human foes respectively with an array of explosive weapons and attacks. With an appearance that is reminiscent of Marvel's Ghost Rider, Barrage can blow up adversaries with an assortment of grenades and mines, but none more powerful than its Burning Heart. With its Overdrive ability, the suit is turned into a missile to cause mass damage to itself and everyone in its radius.

A suit of the same class with an entirely different strategy, the Zephyr Exosuit uses its speed and agility to slice and dice opponents while dodging incoming attacks. It can incapacitate its enemies with its Linear Strike attack, as well as its Sky High kick, which launches multiple foes in the air to be cut up in an aerial assault.

The roller-blading Nimbus Exosuit is a member of the Support class and is capable of keeping the team alive when in the face of imminent danger. Unlike the other Support suits, the Nimbus can effectively hold its own offensively with its twin handguns, but can also quickly shift to Rend mode and shoot at teammates to heal them. With the ability to heal teammates and deal damage in quick succession, Nimbus is a must-have in any successful Exosuit team.

These are the top-tier Exosuits available in Exoprimal that will give you the best chance of bringing your team to victory in any arena. For more content, feel free to check out the information we have on Exoprimal and if it is crossplay compatible!

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