FIFA 22 TOTY: How To Vote For Team of the Year 12th Man

The Team of the Year will arrive in FIFA 22's Ultimate Team this Friday, with the first members of the 11-man squad due to arrive.

EA's plan for release has yet to be confirmed, but it is thought that the defence will arrive, before being followed by the midfield and finally the attack.

But how about the coveted 12th man spot? Here is everything you need to know if you're looking to vote for the additional inclusion.

What is the TOTY 12th Man?

The 12th man is the 12th and final place in the Team of the Year squad.

Once the 11-man side - as voted for by you - has been officially confirmed by EA and released into the Ultimate Team servers, a three-man shortlist will be drawn up to vote for the final squad member.

MESSI! Lionel Messi was the 12th man last year!
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MESSI! Lionel Messi was the 12th man last year!

It will feature three of the surprise exclusions from the squad, with FUT players then tasked with selecting their favourite in order to make a last minute appearance.

Lionel Messi was the recipient of the spot last year, but with the Ballon d'Or winner almost certain to be included in the starting eleven, it should be a new face taking the 12th man award this year.

TOTY 12th Man Release Date

The 12th Man voting won't begin until after the full Team of the Year squad has landed in-game.

The promotion will begin on Friday, January 21st, although the full squad isn't expected to be available in packs until the following Friday (January 29th).

Whilst voting may begin ahead of that date, don't expect to see the card become available until the 29th.

TOTY 12th Man Voting

The voting process is as straightforward as they come.

Simply login to FIFA 22, open Ultimate Team and select your pick from the three-man shortlist that will appear once you enter the game mode.

You will receive a one-game, loan version of your selection as a result. Keep them in your club to help you through any FUT Friendly challenges!

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