Square Enix recently announced Final Fantasy 16 had been delayed, and it looks like that's holding up announcements for the Japanese publisher. According to new reports, they've also delayed revealing their next big PlayStation exclusive to focus on FF16.
According to Jordan Middler from Video Game Chronicles, Square Enix's next project will be a console exclusive, stating that Square Enix's PC ports haven't performed too strongly. However, we don't know what this rumoured exclusive could be.
Read More: Final Fantasy 16 Delay Confirmed, Next Reveal in Early 2022
Rumour: Square Enix Delayed Revealing Next PlayStation Exclusive, Focusing on Final Fantasy 16 First
Stating this game will not be another Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest entry, Middler also states this isn't "a western thing," saying that "Feeling from Square is that their western arm is a bit of a failure. Avengers really, really p****d them off. However, Square Enix retains a wealth of popular IPs including NieR, and they've been open to remaking older games like Secret of Mana too.
If this rumour's to be believed, we'll have to wait until after Square Enix's next Final Fantasy 16 reveal before we hear more about this exclusive game. We'll keep you informed with further details when that happens.
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