The new season of Fortnite is coming to an end and the new 15.50 update will be the last of Season 5.
Although Epic has only released three major patches since the new season released, we can expect a new one this week more than likely.
Every new update includes an ample amount of content, but with this also comes a period in time where the game is down for maintenance.
So, when is downtime and maintenance for the upcoming patch?
Here's all we know!
Patch Size
The season release patches are always some of the biggest.
Expect this one to be anywhere from 5 GB - 15 GB depending on much content is implemented for the new season.
Be sure to check back when we know more!
No news on when the downtime is going to be for the new patch.
However, we can assume the patch is going to release sometime between Tuesday and Thursday this week.
It will now be two weeks since the last patch released, so players are anxious for some new content.
Whenever they decide to release the patch, they will announce the downtime via their FortniteStatus Twitter account.
Usually, downtime is going to begin at around 4 AM ET (09:00 UTC) and run until 6 AM ET (11:00 UTC)!
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