Fortnite Season 7: How To Get The Alien Knockgun Launcher?

Fortnite Season 7 update 17.10 is finally here, and players can look forward to all the new features added to the game. So far, the alien-themed season has attracted players, and the game feels much more relaxing than the previous Season 6.

The new season comes with new challenges and new weapons to master. One of these new weapons is the Alien Knockgun launcher, which is found in its legendary variant in Fortnite Season 7.

The latest update brought several new mechanics in-game, and now players can enter the UFO mothership that casts its shadow over Fortnite's map.

If you're not sure how to collect Vault Orbs or new Alien Weapons, don't worry, for we have you covered.

Alien Knockgun Launcher

Inside the tier 5 vault in the Mothership, players will find the Alien Knockgun Launcher in one of the chests. There are too many chests inside the vault room, but players will only have about 20 seconds to explore them all.

Players can try to open every crate inside the vault, but that would take up a lot of time. Instead, they should just open 5-6 chests, get the items, and get out of the Mothership.

This weapon is incredibly powerful in Fortnite and is equally difficult to obtain. Players will first have to get inside the Mothership and then inside the vault room to acquire this new weapon.

How to get inside the Alien Mothership

After the v17.10 update, new alien UFOs have come to Fortnite's island. They are much bigger than the flying saucers and have different functionality. For instance, these UFOs can be spotted mid-air while jumping from the battle bus. Players can also land on them, as most of these new UFOs have loot lying around.

However, the main purpose of these UFOs is to send people directly inside the Alien Mothership. At the centre of the UFO, the area encompassing it is pulled up into the mothership. This is the easiest way to get inside the Alien Mothership in Fortnite Season 7.

Players will need to wait for a while before the luminous green light teleports them inside the Mothership. Once the light turns fully green, players will notice that they're being pulled up in the Mothership.

Alien Mothership Legendary Vault

Vaults have always been a part of Fortnite's loot system, but in Season 7, Epic Games has added a huge vault as the Alien Mothership itself. Once players are inside the Mothership, they will notice a pop-up saying "begin experiment."

This means that now they can roam around the Mothership and collect Vault Orbs to grab new and exciting weapons in-game.

There are five levels to the Vault tiers inside the Mothership and players will have to collect the Vault Orbs to increase their tier level.

Players will only have 1 minute 30 seconds to complete their expedition inside the Mothership. However, there are enough time capsules inside the ship which increases the timer by +5 seconds each. This will help players spend more time on the Mothership and find the best loot they want.

After collecting all five Vault Orbs, players will be teleported to the vault room where they will have a few chests with legendary weapons.

However, when inside the arena, players will have to fight opponents to gain control of all the Vault Orbs.

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