15-Year-Old Twitch Streamer Throws Raves Whenever He Gets a Kill in Modern Warfare 2

A 15-year-old Twitch streamer has taken over the internet after it was revealed that he throws a rave every time he gets a kill in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This isn’t just your typical dancing celebration either as the streamer, username Crossmauz has pyrotechnics and a light show in his room.

Fans can check out the Crossmauz GIF below (flashing lights warning) and maybe give him a follow. It looks like the streamer is having the absolute time of his life. Considering how hard it is to stand out in the world of streaming these days, Crossmauz may have just found the best way to do it, even if it is a little bit obnoxious.

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15-Year-Old Twitch Streamer Throws Raves Whenever He Gets a Kill in Modern Warfare 2

It also keeps Modern Warfare 2 relevant, especially since there are rumours that we’re getting a rebooted version of the sequel fairly soon. Until then, we’re fine playing this version if it means Crossmauz can have more rave parties whenever he gets a kill in the game.

The internet has had its fun with the video too, with some wondering exactly how the kid's parents must feel when their child goes live.

Someone else seems mighty impressed by Crossmauz's incredible setup. They're not wrong - we've never seen a streaming setup like it!

One tweeter seems to have learned a valuable lesson about life from Crossmauz too.

Go give Crossmauz a follow on Twitch, where he will hopefully have more awesome rave parties whenever he kills anyone in Modern Warfare 2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available on Steam, PS3, and Xbox 360.

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