Apex Legends player uses a Lifeline quip as their school yearbook quote

An image of Lifeline from Apex Legends.

An image of Lifeline from Apex Legends.

When they’re not struggling to aim, being relentlessly beaten by a glitched Gibby or struggling to get over seeing Horizon’s horrific eyes for the first time, the hardened veterans of Apex Legends can be pretty positive about their battle royale game of choice.

Sometimes this exhibits itself in the form of a spot of altruism towards a new player that needs a hand getting to grips with things, but, just as often, it takes on a more romantic guise.

Then again, sometimes showing off your love of Apex can be as simple as remembering a voice line from the game and agreeing to have it displayed below a picture of your face.

Have you ever used a line from Apex in a non-gaming scenario?

This exact scenario is the subject of a recent thread in the Apex Legends subreddit,which began with a post from user bananaKetchups, who shared an image of a quote from Lifeline below their picture in a school yearbook, explaining: “I didn't have a senior quote in mind and I really like this quote from Lifeline, so I just used it.”

Naturally, their fellow Apex stans were pretty big fans of this choice, with user LightofDaSacredFlame musing: “It’s awesome you had the guts to do that, my senior quote was almost ‘I hate this place’ (from) Lego Batman.”

Meanwhile, others nominated other Apex legend quips that would make good yearbook quotes, with user Boomshot79 cheerily declaring: “Mine would be ‘Give up and die.’ (from) Revenant” and TyShredd13 saying: “I’m 100% doing ‘I will travel every road, kick down every door, until I get what I want’ (from) Wraith”.

Also on the list were user Antisoociall suggestion of: “‘Better to die fighting than to live in fear’ (from) Crypto” and ClickToCheckFlair’s revelation: “Imagine using one of Caustic's voice lines (like) ‘Death stalks the ignorant, knowledge will lead us to survival.’”

On a slightly sadder note, user Predator3-5 lamented: “Our school asked for senior quotes but never used any of them. Only the more known popular people got them. Sucks.”, leading them to receive some supportive replies from their Apex mates.

Regardless of whether yearbooks were a thing at whichever educational institution you attended, make sure to follow us for more updates on what to expect in Apex Legends Season 15.

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