Call of Duty complaints department - February 2023

Call of Duty complaints department February 2023
Credit: Activision

Call of Duty complaints department February 2023
Credit: Activision

The month of February is almost over meaning the Call of Duty complaints department is open for business once again! Whether you’re dropping onto Ashika Island in Warzone 2 or competing in Modern Warfare 2 ranked play matches, there are always hot topics of conversation taking place within the community.

The second month of 2023 saw the anticipated arrival of Season Two which included a wealth of new content including the return of the 1v1 gulag and plenty of buffs and nerfs in a bid to shake up a meta some players had branded boring.

Before we see what’s caught the attention of players ahead of Season Two Reloaded, don’t forget to check out our guides showcasing the current Warzone 2 meta and the best Modern Warfare 2 ranked play loadouts perfect for competitive play.

Warzone 2 inconsistent TTK
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Credit: Activision

5) Inconsistent Warzone 2 TTK

Following a dose of weapon balancing that somehow saw the Fennec 45 and RPK hold their positions as two of the very best Warzone 2 guns, players loading into Al Mazrah and Ashika Island noticed major inconsistencies in the battle royale’s time to kill (TTK).

Typically, the TTK should remain consistent across the board but after the launch of Season Two, several members of the community believe the game feels strange which is far from ideal.

Warzone 2 meta SMG wasn't nerfed
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Credit: Activision

4) No nerf for a meta SMG?!

As mentioned earlier, the launch of the second post-launch content season bought plenty of changes to the Warzone 2 arsenal. One weapon the patch notes mentioned was the hugely powerful Fennec 45 SMG. Although the text read that the gun received a reduction in damage output, a closer look revealed no signs of a nerf.

The lack of change means the Fennec continues to dominate close-range combat, even with Infinity Ward recently applying a further nerf to the SMG.

Modern Warfare 2 slow battle pass progression
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Credit: Activision

At three is another infuriating issue that got Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 players talking. The arrival of the Season Two battle pass came with plenty of content but fans soon realised just how long it took to get their hands on a battle pass token to spend on a sector.

Despite the complaints surrounding sluggish battle pass progression, Infinity Ward isn’t planning on implementing any changes anytime soon. Thankfully, there are some double battle pass XP events taking place which is ideal for earning those tokens as fast as possible.

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Warzone 2 parachute trick
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Credit: Activision

2) A hugely effective parachute trick

Rather than a game-breaking bug or glitch grinding the gears of fans, one crafty gameplay mechanic certainly got them talking. Instead of using footstep audio to lure the opposition into the open, a player manages to pull their parachute and return to their starting point as the perfect bait.

As expected, the trick has caught the imagination of fans who continue to use it to their advantage. Will the developers patch it? We’ll have to wait and see.

Call of Duty 2023 release
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Credit: Activision

The most talked-about Call of Duty story isn’t a complaint although several Call of Duty fans aren’t happy. Following reports of Modern Warfare 2 receiving two years of post-launch support, it appears Activision now plans on turning the content into a full-blown annual release complete with its own campaign and multiplayer offerings.

Although a new Call of Duty title is always exciting, the report reveals that Modern Warfare 2 content will carry over, leaving several players furious with the thought of parting ways with their cash for a game that has the same content as the current release. With several months until the launch of CoD 2023, there’s a high chance things can change but for now, is it going to be worth buying?

The Call of Duty complaints department is now closed for another month! Make sure you return in March to see everything that’s got the CoD community talking. In the meantime, check out our guides showcasing the best Warzone 2 AR and the latest intel on when the next Modern Warfare 2 double XP event will take place.

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