Modern Warfare 3 battle passes cause an AFK epidemic

call of duty modern warfare 3 three characters holding guns

call of duty modern warfare 3 three characters holding guns


  • Modern Warfare 3 players are frustrated with the battle pass system linking rewards to playtime.
  • Macro AFKing allows players to exploit the system and passively progress through the battle pass.
  • Players and commentators place the blame on the developers for prioritizing time-gated rewards over a fair and engaging gameplay experience.

Modern Warfare 3 players are up in arms over a growing trend – macro AFKing – plaguing the online multiplayer scene. This tactic exploits the game's mechanics to appear active while players are away from their setups.

Players argue that this phenomenon has emerged due to the structure of the battle pass system, which ties rewards to time spent in-game rather than skill. This approach has been criticized for hindering access to rewards and undermining a skill-based progression system.

A recent Reddit post brought the AFKing epidemic to light. A video clip showcased players utilizing macros to maintain in-game movement while being physically absent. This strategy allows them to passively accumulate playtime and progress through the battle pass.

Comments on the post placed the blame squarely on the developers' shoulders. Players argued that the time-gated nature of the battle pass incentivizes this behaviour. With coveted skins, weapons, and accessories locked behind hours of playtime, some players resort to AFKing to optimize their grind.

One commenter stated, "It's what happens when you lock content behind game time. I don't begrudge someone trying to get the stuff out of the battle pass that they've paid for." Another chimed in, accusing the developers of prioritizing metrics over player experience, stating, "They don't want to fix this, it gives the Devs the numbers they can brag about while only affecting a tiny portion of the community."

It's clear that this new practice is a result of a battle pass and approach to gameplay that prioritizes player retention and large playtime counts over all else. The developers get good results to brag about despite harming the multiplayer experience for their own community. Hopefully, the recent backlash causes them to readjust their policies and either punish Macro-AFK or introduce better Battle Pass challenges.

Modern Warfare 3's launch has been riddled with issues. From intrusive advertisements to a persistent cheater problem, players have expressed their discontent.

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