Control Ultimate Edition: Steam Release Date, PS5, Xbox Series X Release Dates and More!

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Originally released during August of 2019, Remedy Entertainment's single-player masterpiece Control will be making moves to new platforms soon. 

The third-person shooter was widely considered one of the games of the year for last year, and was recently on sale as apart of the Epic Games Summer Sale.

Here is when players can expect to pick it up on other platforms!

Steam Ultimate Edition

According to the official Steam listing which can be found here, Control Ultimate Editon will be purchasable on August 27, 2020.

This also coincides with when the partnership with the Epic Games store ends; so players can purchase it on the marketplace of their choice. 



Back during June, Remedy Entertainment tweeted out that Control will be making its way to next-generation platforms.

According to an official blog post by Remedy, if you purchase the ultimate edition of Control before next-gen consoles release later this year, you will be eligible to get a free upgrade!

"We will offer a free next-gen digital upgrade for those who buy Control Ultimate Edition on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For more information on eligibility, stay tuned to our website and community channels."

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