EA & BioWare’s Shadow Realms RPG Cancelled

EA & BioWare’s story-driven 4v1 fantasy RPG has been cancelled. The announcement of Shadow Realms’ termination comes directly from Jeff Hickman, the General Manager of BioWare Austin.

The revelation of this statement occurs only six months after an extensive viral marketing campaign, in which BioWare created hype via mysterious emails and teaser trailers.

BioWare newsletter subscribers received vague emails with the hook, “You’ve Been Chosen,” and a trailer was revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2014. Shadow Realms even held a significant presence at Gamescom and other events last year before going silent on updates.

Shadow Realms was intended to offer cooperative online gameplay in a 4v1 game mode similar to Evolve. One player would act alone as the “Shadowlord” by controlling creatures and traps, while four others would work cooperatively to defeat the Shadowlord. Shadow Realms received closed alpha testing and the announcement from BioWare advised that the company is working on a way to thank those participants.

Hickman’s post explains that BioWare have decided to shift their focus to current franchises, such as on-going improvements to Dragon Age: Inquisition, as well as expanding Star Wars: The Old Republic. Hickman also states that BioWare’s renewed focus will be directed towards the next game in the Mass Effect series as well as new IP. The post also mentions that BioWare Austin will provide more news about their plans in the coming weeks.  

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