While they may not have gotten the massive DLC announcement they wanted out of last week’s Game Awards, Elden Ring players have still had new content to dig into, with the long-awaited Colosseum DLC providing a fresh challenge for those who consider themselves PvP masters.
However, for the most hardened of warriors, this battle arena clearly isn’t proving difficult enough, with the world of streaming, infamous for producing the likes of drawing pad and one-handed runs through the game’s bosses, already starting to feature the likes of dance pad Colosseum sessions.
One of the streamers who’d attempted such a feat is MissMikkaa, who, having also previously beaten God of War using a dance pad in the run-up to Ragnarok’s release, has now decided to attempt one of the most interesting Elden Ring playthroughs of all time.
Have you ever tried taking on an Elden Ring playthrough this difficult?
MissMikkaa kicked off this run, which will see her play the game on two different devices simultaneously, controlling one playthrough with a dance pad and the other with a traditional controller, with a six-hour stream at the weekend.
Before diving in, the streamer didn’t seem too fazed by the idea of attempting this feat, saying: “Well, one of (the runs) is not technically a challenge, I mean, together they are a challenge.”
Having set up a PS5 for the controller run and a PC for the dance pad one, MissMikkaa created two similar characters for both and immediately began carving her way through The Lands Between.
While the PS5 run was slightly laggy and the streamer’s extra rule that she had to try and kill each enemy at the same time in each run caused her a couple of early issues, MissMikkaa was quickly able to master fighting regular enemies on two devices at once.
However, bosses like Margit proved much more of a challenge, with Missmikkaa having to avoid accidentally falling to her death by dropping off of the cliffs next to the battle location, something which is very easy to do if you’re trying to dodge on two separate screens.
In fact, the Fell Omen proved such a challenge that the streamer had to spend pretty much the entirety of her second stream of the run battling him, coming close to defeating him on one screen a number of times, but struggling to catch up with the other in time to deliver a simultaneous killing blow before making a mistake that cost her one of the battles.
While she didn't quite manage to achieve this feat before the end of that stream, given all that she’s accomplished in Elden Ring this year, it probably wouldn’t be wise to bet against Missmikkaa eventually coming out on top and even managing to achieve her goal of completing the entire game using this setup.
Regardless of whether you’re now considering being the first person to try playing Elden Ring on three devices at once, make sure to follow us for coverage of some interesting streamers and guides to Elden Ring’s newest addition.
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