While some of them might think they saw too much of it prior to release, Final Fantasy fans have probably forgotten all about their apprehensions now that they've finally gotten their hands on Final Fantasy 16.
Unfortunately, it seems that the game has divided opinion among many players this far, with some arguing over whether it provides the kind of unique experience they believe defines the series, while others have used its reception to re-ignite the long-running debate surrounding Final Fantasy 14.
Thankfully, there are also a few less serious discussions going on in the community, with one having seen players struggle to decide whether they prefer Final Fantasy 16’s Cid to Final Fantasy 12’s Balthier.
Is Cid your favourite character from Final Fantasy 16 so far?
This dude-based dispute can be found in a recent thread on the subreddit r/finalfantasy, which user bogeyj kicked off by asking the simple question: “Who's The Bigger Chad: Cid or Balthier?”
The response from their fellow fans seems split pretty evenly between the two characters, with supporters of Final Fantasy 16’s Cid suggesting that he takes the crown by being the best interaction of the character in the series’ long history.
Many of the thread’s Balthier buffs, on the other hand, cited the fact that the sky pirate is playable and arguably makes his game’s actual protagonist, Vaan, feel like a supporting character, as reasons why he continues to rule the roost in their estimation.
Meanwhile, user gilgagoogyta proposed that the pair have a lot in common personality-wise, saying: “Cid feels like a combination of Balthier and Cor Leonis from [Final Fantasy 15]. Mainly [he seems to have] Balthier's general demeanour, [but] tempered by a couple [of] extra decades of life experience and responsibility.”
The thread also featured some love for Final Fantasy 15’s Ignis, with his ability to “literally [hold] everything together at all times,p” and cook for the player both drawing rave reviews.
Regardless of how you’re finding Final Fantasy 16 so far, make sure to follow us for an array of helpful guides to everything from completing quests, to gathering resources, and defeating foes, as well as updates on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
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