GTA Online Adds Intense New Adversary Mode

While you wait for the upcoming GTA5 DLC to drop on December 15, you can play the latest addition of free content on GTA Online, Every Bullet Counts.

Rockstar gives an adrenaline filled new Adversary Mode to spice up your GTA gameplay. So what makes this new mode so intense?

Every Bullet Counts is “every man for himself” as four players are confined to close quarters with limited arsenal. Each player gets two bullets and one life. That’s right, you have three players to take out, but only two bullets.

What happens when your meagre bullet count has been expended?

You’ll need to resort to brutal melee attacks with a hatchet or machete to kill anyone who didn’t meet your bullets. So make every bullet count or you’ll be swinging your melee weapon even more.

This isn’t a simple game of Hide and Seek because anyone staying still for more than five seconds will have their location revealed on the map, making them an easier target. So to stay sneaking, your best bet is to constantly move from cover to cover.

You’ll have four locations where you can creep around in this intense free-for-all, including Michael’s Rockford Hills mansion and the ever popular Tequi-la-la nightclub.

This mode is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of GTA5.

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