While some are already focused on what might happen once GTA 6 gets a concrete release date, many GTA Online players are just trying to make the most of their remaining time in Los Santos.
After all, with plenty of regular events to get involved in and an array of new cars having been dispatched over the past few months, there’s still lots of interesting stuff around in the game to keep those enterprising criminals who haven’t yet retreated to the crime-free life of a solo chef busy.
While the past couple of weekly updates that play a big role in keeping the game fresh have brought some polarising price changes and temporary technical issues along with them, the latest looks to have drawn some particularly negative reviews.
Will you be jumping back into GTA Online following this latest update?
These frank assessments of the raft of changes Rockstar released yesterday from some of Los Santos’ hardened veterans can be found in a couple of threads on the GTA Online subreddit, the first of which was kicked off by user PapaXan sharing the content and adjustments included in the update, which the described as being: “Very Lacklustre.”
Many of their fellow players seemed to agree with this assessment, such as user kenzwashere, who declared: “You warned me and yet I was still surprised by the lack of lustre,” and Mr--McMuffin, who said: “I don't usually complain, but goddamn it's been dry these past few weeks.”
Among the aspects of the update that drew the most ire from the thread’s commenters were the lack of any property discounts and main reputation and cash boost having been applied to acid lab resupply and steal missions, which, along with the same kinds of missions for weed farm businesses, seem to be perceived as having received too large a share of the buffs on offer in recent updates.
Meanwhile, in another thread, players discussed another of the update’s features, this being the return of the Toundra Panthere sports car, last purchasable in February for a limited time only, to the game’s storefronts.
While a couple were glad to have another chance to land the $2.1 million automobile, others took the opportunity to once again voice their displeasure at the continued use of limited-time mechanics for cars in the game, suggesting it unfairly preys on players’ fears of missing out.
Regardless of whether you’re planning on taking a trip to San Andreas this weekend to pick up a Panthere, make sure to follow us to receive regular updates on GTA 6 and GTA Online as new vehicles and more arrive.
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