Turbine announced that their DC Comics focused MOBA, Infinite Crisis is set to officially close down on August 14th this year, with all service ceasing at that point.
Their announcement came in the form of a news post on their community forums, found here. The post reads as follows.
"After much deliberation, we regret to announce the official shutdown of Infinite Crisis. We will end development efforts today and will close the service on August 14, 2015.
Between now and August 14th, the game will remain available to play completely free. If you have any questions, contact Customer Service for assistance athttp://support.infinitecrisis.com.
This was an extremely difficult decision to make. On behalf of the entire Infinite Crisis team we want to thank all of you for your feedback, support and for joining together to create one of the best communities in gaming."
The game will be fully playable until that point. Infinite Crisis launched fully earlier this year in March, to a moderately mixed response.
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