Capcom Hopes Monster Hunter Wilds Gets Them Out of a Sales Rut

Two hunters get ready to slash monsters
Credit: Capcom

Two hunters get ready to slash monsters
Credit: Capcom

Capcom is hoping that Monster Hunter Wilds will turn things around for them, as they have just revealed declining sales and profits for the most recent quarter. This is somewhat expected since they haven’t had any major releases thus far, outside of Mai Shiranui DLC for Street Fighter 6. Wilds will probably do well for the company, given the success of previous entries.

According to a press release from the company, Capcom is down 16.3% year-on-year while their operating income is 35% down from last year. It’s not all bad as the company’s game sales did increase from 6.7 million units to 28.61 million units. The release of Wilds should be a big one for Capcom, potentially turning things around.

Fans everywhere are pretty excited for Monster Hunter Wilds, as it looks like the biggest entry in this franchise yet. Looking like a proper sequel to Monster Hunter World, this current-gen installment could be the best one yet if Capcom plays their cards right. Add the inevitable DLC expansion that adds more monsters for players to hunt and this should do well.

While promising games are coming from Capcom, they won’t be coming out anytime soon. The rumored remake of Resident Evil 0 is probably going to take a while. Onimusha: Way of the Sword has already been planned for a 2026 release, so that’s going to take some time.

Only time will tell if Monster Hunter Wilds lives up to our lofty expectations, though everything about the game looks pretty good thus far. With the game set to come out late next month, it should be a major win for Capcom in the end. Hopefully, the gameplay lives up to everyone’s expectations and it manages to do well.

For more on Capcom’s sales failures, check out how the Resident Evil 2 remake didn’t sell well on iOS. You can also read about the new monster coming in Wilds.

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