Can't Get Enough of Simulator Games? Proud Dad Simulator Could Be Your New Favorite in 2025

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Credit: Bitmeister Ink

image of proud dad simulator
Credit: Bitmeister Ink

Video games have slowly evolved, and 1964 was a fantastic year for the birth of a new genre: simulators. While several simulator titles existed before the genre was coined, they surged in popularity due to popular games such as Goat Simulator, Truck Simulator, and Microsoft Flight Simulator.

If you are a fan of simulators but can't seem to find one that fills the void of your empty simulator heart, then you should be excited for January 2025, when Proud Dad Simulator is set to release on PC.

Developed and published by the three-person dev team Bitmeister Ink, Proud Dad Simulator aims to simulate the presence of a loving father many gamers may long for.

This hilarious clicker-style game offers different microgames that you can play, which will improve your interaction and unlock different fatherly affirmations from your pixel-art dad.

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This dad-tastic game was inspired by an internal "click dad to get affirmation" joke between the developers, which suggested that not everyone is lucky to have proactive dads. Its lighthearted gameplay and approach to simulator games can be a good way to destress after a long day at work or school.

At least Proud Dad Simulator is here to ask, "Are you winning, son?". Your pixelated Papa may not ask that specific question, but at least you'll see 12 different fatherly affirmations from your retro-inspired Proud Dad.

In different scenarios, such as writing college essays, enjoying your hobby, or just practicing that dreaded parallel parking, there's always something in you your Proud Dad will always be proud of.

There are 12 achievements to unlock and 10 microgames to play, giving you a substantial amount of father-and-child quality time.

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Credit: BitMeister Ink.

If you only ever got shouted at for holding the flashlight properly when your real dad asked for your help fixing the car, then Proud Dad Simulator is here to spend time with you and make you feel the proud kid you are.

It will initially be released on PC and can be wishlisted via Steam, but there are no confirmations yet about whether it will arrive on other platforms. Sorry, console gamers. You might have to wait a bit longer for your proud dad.

Whether you are excited to have some father-child bonding time in Proud Dad Simulator or just happy pressure-washing walls in PowerWash Simulator, stay updated with the latest gaming news and stories by following Gfinity Esports.

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