Return to Monkey Island Announced For 2022 Release

In a move that shocked gamers everywhere, Return to Monkey Island, a new entry in the legendary Monkey Island series, was announced out of nowhere. Series creator Ron Gilbert returns with developer Terrible Toybox for this new Monkey Island installment, which is also a joint collaboration between Lucasfilm Games and Devolver Digital.

A trailer for Return to Monkey Island was also shown, revealing a ghost pirate that can play the violin and a skull that complains about Ron Gilbert making another Monkey Island title, likely making fun of angry fans and Gilbert himself. Neither the trailer nor the official website, reveal what kind of game Return to Monkey Island will be, though we assume it’s a point-and-click adventure game from the days of yore.

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Return to Monkey Island Shockingly Announced For 2022 Release

Prior to its closure, LucasArts was more than just a Star Wars video game machine as the studio published a number of point-and-click classics like Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, and those classic Monkey Island games. Before Return to Monkey Island was announced, there were also two Monkey Island titles released in 2009: The Secret of Monkey Island and Tales of Monkey Island, both of which had decent enough reviews when they were released.

No release date for Return to Monkey Island was announced, though it was stated that the game would be coming out sometime in 2022. Currently, no systems have been named but PC is a safe bet since this is a point-and-click adventure game.

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